Wendy Abdollahi-Blumer (C’79)

Expanding Christian Science nursing training worldwide

They say the longest journey begins with a single step. In Wendy Abdollahi-Blumer’s case, a lifetime of Christian Science nursing began with a healing. That meaningful experience led Abdollahi-Blumer to pursue a career in Christian Science nursing.

More than 40 years of nursing later, Abdollahi-Blumer can be found at Le Verger in Switzerland, expanding Christian Science nurses’ education globally. Early on, she saw a need for flexible Christian Science nurs- ing education around the world. Today, she is Le Verger’s Director of Christian Science Nurses Ed- ucation, and coordinates a team of 20 instructors across a variety of countries, on four continents, in five languages. “I love what I do,” she says.

“As long as I can do it, I’ll continue.”

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