Rebekah Enoch (US’89)

Force for good

Rebekah Enoch describes her career as “potpourri,” with human rights as a throughline. “My life theme is to be part of the ‘team that tries,’” says Enoch. While managing a food bank, raising awareness of climate change, assisting the Australian people in addressing global poverty, and promoting human rights in China, Enoch has always been caught trying.

Now a program director at Human Trafficking Search, a global database and resource clearinghouse, Enoch produces a range of materials that highlight the intersection of current events and human trafficking issues. Recent examples include shining a spotlight on labor exploitation under the kafala system in Qatar during the World Cup.

Enoch’s hopeful attitude is grounded in her study of Christian Science. She aims to be a “force for good,” bringing openness and spiritual perspective to the field.

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